Heyy bebie (; im akashah , foe short name tasya okayy . im 15teen dis years . stay in setiawangsa . if want more info , just leave me a cmmnt okayy ? P/S : blog is mine's ,sooo suke hatyy aku nk la buadd apew har setann ! *STUPIDO !

Ilovveyou S

Love is life

And I love my life
I love to live
because I live to love you.
You are my love
And you are my life

Not all conspiracies are bad

As I found out myself
When our hearts and nature
worked in unison
to ensnare us into a sweet trap.
Two hearts came together, two souls united
And our love was born.

Tonight... ...look up at the sky and try to count the stars. If you succeed, I would congratulate you. If you fail, Accept that you can never gauge my endless love for you.

Once there was nothing

Now...the world means something
My life seems to have a meaning
I seem to like everything
And love means more than anything
Because you are there for me darling!

Among the countless dreams I had

A beautiful one came true
When I fell in love
And gave my heart to you.
Life has, since, changed in a thousand ways
Be mine forever, as I am yours...always...