Heyy bebie (; im akashah , foe short name tasya okayy . im 15teen dis years . stay in setiawangsa . if want more info , just leave me a cmmnt okayy ? P/S : blog is mine's ,sooo suke hatyy aku nk la buadd apew har setann ! *STUPIDO !

Wht the fucka -.-'

Ouh yeahhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!! i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :( yesss , you text i , then you says wht ? can you be mine ? HAHA(; Grrr -.-' heshh , aku tk dew credt laa sial ! ya ya , aku open page kau ? seee ? kau letak pict diaaa . bwh to pict aku kan , naseb baek aku tk accept kau kannn , Grr -.-' aku tahu kau still syg kan dia kan , okay finee  !!!! harito kau letak aku top1 now top3 kan ? sooo damn ! aku dah agak dahh , kau still sygg kan diaa . Huh ! who care bullshit ! kau coup jeh laa dgn dia , tk batak pon kat kau , ramai lagi jantan aku bole cari handsome and perfect dri kau , dah laa kaki mabuk ! Haih ! nk buat boyfie aku ? huh ! sory to says . biar laa aku smokee , kau sape nk halang aku , aku punye diri , suke haty mk bpk aku laa .ADE AKU KESAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !